2009년 3월 18일 수요일

Are you a restaurant savvy?

One of my pleasure is finding a good restaurant and enjoying the food there!

In Daejeon there are a lot of good places you can go.
Let me introduce one place. It's called 꽃 'Flower'.
It is explaining that it is an ethenic bar.
When you enter the bar you should take off your shoes but it's not much of a work because you will be facinated by the pond in the middle and all the beatiful decorating.
This bar ( now i'm telling you the truth.. it isn't a restaurant. It's a bar.)
plays goooood music, very relaxing music.
haha. if you drop by Daejeon, call me~

What about you guys? Is there any good place in your town?

2009년 3월 9일 월요일

What are your hobbies?


I'm cora from daejeon.
My name is Younglan and I am from daejeon.
It is already second week here at KNUE but I am still nervous ( in a good way ).

Well, my first impression of everyone here is that everyone looks really energetic and has fun vibe!
It will be great if I can be friends with you guys.
nowing your hobbies might be a good start.

I love music, all kinds of music. If I have to choose one kind I would pick 'classical' music.
Sometimes I go to Music hall here at KNUE and play the piano. I will be very happy if I can find my music mate!
I also like outdoor activities or indoor activities too - such as yoga or work-out in the gym.

So, what are you hobbies?