2009년 4월 30일 목요일


Please, teach me how to make your special food

Many people like to have delicious food. And I'm not different!
I L~ove Delicious Food!

I also like to cook.
Eventhough sometimes I become to experimental and have not-so-happy feedback from my family I love making food.

I'd like to share my recipe with you guys ; How to make Chick Manjoo.

Condensed Milk 94g, Egg york 1/2, Flour 94g, Baking power 2g, 앙금 300g(if you don't have it you can use sweet potato)

1. Condensed Milk+Egg york+Flour+Baking power.
After mixing them reserve it 30mins in the refrigerator
2. Seperate the dough 2g each
3. Seperate 앙금(or sweet potato thingy) 30g

! How to make 앙금?
You can easily buy it at the food market, but if it's difficult
Boil the sweetpotatos(SP.), Smash them, Mix with sugar(SP.:sugar=5:1)
Put it in a warm pot to get rid of water

4. Put 앙금 inside 2g dough and Be artistic! :)

5. Bake it in the oven preheated 170c
6. Draw eyes and wings with heated chopstic.

You see my dad is cruelly eating one chick(in the pic)

I think it can be a good gift for older people

2009년 4월 21일 화요일

Who do you want?

Recently, the weather is beautiful. It is perfect weather to have a date!
I know many of you have a boyfriend or fiance.
What is your rule(?) when you find your partner?

For me, I want someone who treat me like a princess even when I treat him like a prince.
Sometime I hear( or see ^^;) guys who don't appreciate when a girl treat him well.

anyway. What about you?

2009년 4월 13일 월요일

What do you do when you are gloomy?

Sometimes I feel gloomy I watch music videos.
This music video helps me get out of sad mood.
because it doesn't exaggerate happy feeling too much
but it has slight fun beats.
What do you guys do when you are in a bad mood?


2009년 4월 6일 월요일

What was your recent embassing moment?


I can say that I have more embarrassing stories of mine than other people because I am sometimes absent-minded.

I put a remote-control at the veranda and look for it forever

Recently I parked my car near the main building we study at night thinking I would move it that night. The next morning I got a call from the president's secretary saying that I parked my car at the president's parking space! I am totally absent minded.

It seems that all of you are very organized but is there anything happen in your life?

2009년 3월 18일 수요일

Are you a restaurant savvy?

One of my pleasure is finding a good restaurant and enjoying the food there!

In Daejeon there are a lot of good places you can go.
Let me introduce one place. It's called 꽃 'Flower'.
It is explaining that it is an ethenic bar.
When you enter the bar you should take off your shoes but it's not much of a work because you will be facinated by the pond in the middle and all the beatiful decorating.
This bar ( now i'm telling you the truth.. it isn't a restaurant. It's a bar.)
plays goooood music, very relaxing music.
haha. if you drop by Daejeon, call me~

What about you guys? Is there any good place in your town?

2009년 3월 9일 월요일

What are your hobbies?


I'm cora from daejeon.
My name is Younglan and I am from daejeon.
It is already second week here at KNUE but I am still nervous ( in a good way ).

Well, my first impression of everyone here is that everyone looks really energetic and has fun vibe!
It will be great if I can be friends with you guys.
nowing your hobbies might be a good start.

I love music, all kinds of music. If I have to choose one kind I would pick 'classical' music.
Sometimes I go to Music hall here at KNUE and play the piano. I will be very happy if I can find my music mate!
I also like outdoor activities or indoor activities too - such as yoga or work-out in the gym.

So, what are you hobbies?