2009년 4월 30일 목요일


Please, teach me how to make your special food

Many people like to have delicious food. And I'm not different!
I L~ove Delicious Food!

I also like to cook.
Eventhough sometimes I become to experimental and have not-so-happy feedback from my family I love making food.

I'd like to share my recipe with you guys ; How to make Chick Manjoo.

Condensed Milk 94g, Egg york 1/2, Flour 94g, Baking power 2g, 앙금 300g(if you don't have it you can use sweet potato)

1. Condensed Milk+Egg york+Flour+Baking power.
After mixing them reserve it 30mins in the refrigerator
2. Seperate the dough 2g each
3. Seperate 앙금(or sweet potato thingy) 30g

! How to make 앙금?
You can easily buy it at the food market, but if it's difficult
Boil the sweetpotatos(SP.), Smash them, Mix with sugar(SP.:sugar=5:1)
Put it in a warm pot to get rid of water

4. Put 앙금 inside 2g dough and Be artistic! :)

5. Bake it in the oven preheated 170c
6. Draw eyes and wings with heated chopstic.

You see my dad is cruelly eating one chick(in the pic)

I think it can be a good gift for older people

댓글 1개:

  1. What a hard question!!
    My special food is Kimchi Ramen.
    Very easy.
    Boil water and put the powder soup(?) and noodle and delicious Kimchi that is most important and decisive in the flavor of the ramen.
